Thursday, October 8, 2020

Dating Nowadays: Step It Up Queen (Part 4)

Ladies — the time has come. You may be here already convinced that nothing on this list will be related to you and if so, I believe you are coming into this with the wrong mindset. Listen — if you have found 100 different problems with each person you’ve dated from jump, then this post is for you. If you have found that guys are not asking you out for a 2nd date after the 1st, then this post is for you. If you are wondering why guys you’re interested in keep calling you sis, then this post is for you. If you think he is taking longer than usual to respond to you even though you see him online on IG, then this post is for you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

September Release: Dating in This Generation (Part 4)

So as I explained before, it is now time to dive into that challenges men face when they are dating a woman. It will be the same deal - I will list the top 7 areas that women could improve in when it comes to the dating world based on a survey conducted on men from different backgrounds. Ladies, just like I told the guys, come with an open mind and willingness to learn because the goal here is to help, not bash.

Releasing soon!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Dating Nowadays: Step It Up King (Part 3)

Fellas, fellas, fellas. I know it’s “ladies first” but you knew I had to start with you. Let me just preface and say that the areas of improvement I list below are not meant to be taken as shots at you - unless the shoe fits. This is meant to give a transparent view at what within you needs to change through constructive criticism - and when I say constructive criticism, I mean you should be reading this with the intention to take an honest look at yourself and determine what areas you need to improve. If you read through this list and begin to get defensive, start calling out the shortcomings of women, and/or try to justify the actions below, then you are missing the entire point of this post. As men, we are called to lead in numerous arenas, and be an example to others. But how can we do that if we ourselves aren’t the best version of ourselves, nor do we make the effort to correct our own faults?

Friday, August 21, 2020

August Release: Dating in This Generation (Part 3)

Now that we have covered the general challenge areas people have in the dating world, it's time to dive into the individual genders. First up, we have the men. In this next piece, I will share the results of a survey I conducted with women of numerous backgrounds, age ranges, cultures, races, etc. asking what areas they would like to see men improve in when it comes to dating. For the sake of length, I will focus on the top 7 points they made. Fellas, stay tuned! It may be tough to read this one, but we will get through it together. Trust me - it will be valuable information.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Dating Nowadays: Oh, You Still Single? (Part 2)

Welcome back! If you haven’t read the first part of this series, I strongly recommend you go back and finish that piece before starting this one. If you have, let’s keep the list going!

Monday, June 29, 2020

June Release: Dating in This Generation (Part 2)

The next piece of the Dating Nowadays series is releasing this week! This will be the continuation of the last piece, "Oh, You Still Single?" From there, we will start focusing on each gender separately, and what each side had to say about the other's shortcomings. Are you ready?? Because I am!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the current and future fathers!! May God continue to bless you all, give you the strength to support your families, guidance to lead them and others in your life, and wisdom to continue impacting the world.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Dating Nowadays: Oh, You Still Single? (Part 1)

I don’t think I’ve seen the dating world as disordered as I do now. It’s kind of crazy when you think about how high the divorce rate is, and how it’s risen over time. But if you REALLY think about the steps that people take towards a marriage, you’d realize a lot of the problems stem from the place that set the stage for it𑁋 the dating phase. The way it’s treated, the way we go about it, and how we take off from there heavily impacts the outcomes we later experience. So to solve the bigger problem, we have to start at the source.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May Release: Dating in This Generation

The number of problems I have heard from people on why dating nowadays is beyond difficult is immense. However, it seems that, to some degree, there is some commonality with these challenges for both men and women. But what are the major ones that hinder us from developing genuine, long-lasting relationships? What is it that we are doing wrong? Is the problem on our side, or the other person's? Well, a great deal of it is related to what this generation considers "the norm" in certain scenarios, how crucial situations are handled, and much more. Honestly, if we - wait, wait, wait. I won't start preaching juuuust yet. Stay tuned for the May Release coming soon!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and soon-to-be mothers out there!! This is a time for us to show our gratitude and thanks for the countless things you all do for us on a daily basis. You are truly God's gift to mankind. We hope this was a special day for you, and that you celebrated with and were celebrated by loved ones.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Buck Doesn’t Stop at 25

(Disclaimer - this is a long post, but I also know y'all got nothing but time now lol)

As I was blessed to see the milestone of 25 years of life last Friday, I reminisced on how far I’d come. The challenges I’ve faced, the impacts I’ve had, my shortcomings, my career, and the trajectory my future is on have all been essential in my growth to this point. It has not been easy. “Say it louder for the people in the back!!” said my audience. IT. HAS. NOT. BEEN. EASY. Hooookay?! But we thank God for seeing this year because many didn’t have the same opportunity.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March Topic POSTPONED to April - Birthday Post Loading (25 Lessons of Life)

I know I just posted that this month's blog post topic was the "Importance of Not Going Through Life Alone," but I had to pay homage to how far I have been blessed to come in life to the point of seeing my 25th year of life!!! So, in honor of my quarter century, I will share twenty-five of the most impactful lessons I've learned in my life, and how they have shaped who I am today. The previous topic will be postponed to April; so don't worry - it's coming.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March Release: Don't Go Through Life Alone

It must be tough trying to bear burdens on your own. You feel like because of the cards you were dealt in life, no one could possibly empathize with your situation, and that you must go it alone. It seems as if the more things pile on you, the less others are likely to lend a helping hand - and you couldn't be more wrong. We are social creatures who need love and interactions from others to thrive. So if you're trying to get through life on your own volition and support, you will find yourself continuously reaching roadblocks, and wondering why you feel so alone and/or empty. Stay tuned for my March release to learn more about the reasons why, and what you should do to mitigate the potential challenges you have coming  your way.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Is This Who You Wanted to Become?

Being able to witness a milestone such as entering a new decade calls for a time of self-reflection. Personally, it’s been a time to think about how far I’ve come in the past 10 years; particularly as a result of the environments I’ve found myself in, and the impact they’ve had on my life. But not just my own, but others as well. I get it - we’re all special in our own way thanks to the Man upstairs. But of course, given free will, we make decisions for ourselves. Those decisions have typically been influenced by our environment - whether we were born in a low-income neighborhood or a wealthy one; whether we grew up in a home with one parent or both; whether we went to a HBCU, a PWI, were home-schooled, or didn’t go to school at all - we were all impacted by external factors. But the question is, how did it play a role in how our lives panned out?

Monday, March 2, 2020

February Release: Products of Own Environments

Yeah I know - its March and this is a February release. But this was a theme that kept coming up last month for me, and I'd been taking some time to unpack. The topic is how our environment shapes who we are as individuals. Traditionally, people think of their environment as their living situation - whether or not they were born into an area that was wealthy or low-income. But your environment spans well past physical surroundings. It includes the people, the vibes, the societal beliefs, the upbringing, etc. Because we don't always consider these additional pieces, we don't realize the amount of influence it has on us, and our paths moving forward in life. So let's talk about it - how does our environment shape who we are as people, and what does that mean for us? The post will be released soon!

Verse of the Week

Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Time to Love and A Lifetime to Keep it Going

We talk about self-love all the time but don't really understand what it truly means. If we did, we wouldn't take it so lightly and would give it the respect it warrants. To love oneself, honestly, wholeheartedly and unconditionally sets the tone for the rest of your life. It will determine the type of people you surround yourself with, how you interact with them, how much of yourself you share with them, the authenticity of the relationships you make, and how you carry yourself. This means your love for yourself or lack thereof dictates your future; so you should treat it as such. Because if you don't love yourself, it can and will manifest in different areas of your life in a negative way.