Friday, September 2, 2022

Real Friends, How Many of Us?

When it comes to the topic of friendship, everyone seems to have different definitions. But I think defines a friend pretty well as, “a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.” I believe this definition really helps delineate between a true friend and these numerous “friend” variations society has created. In my opinion, family is family and is in a category of its own. But if you’re sexually involved with someone who isn’t your partner, can you truly say this person is a friend? What happens if you remove the sexual aspect - will you still be real friends? Let’s look at what a friendship looks like and go from there.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

September Release: Real Friends

I think we all have a general understanding of what a friend is, but the meaning of what it truly means to be a friend seems to have changed a great deal. "Friend" seems to be a phrase we throw around for just about anyone - people that we see regularly, people that greet us in passing, and even work colleagues. The title of a friend should be held to a higher regard because unfortunately, not everyone is our friend. And that is the topic I want to dive into this month. Stay tuned for this month's release of what it means to be a real friend to someone, and what you may be doing to count yourself out.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

No One Has Forever

We all have loved ones - family, friends, partners, the list goes on. And I’m sure we believe that they all know we love and care about them very much. But how do we know for sure? How do we show that? How do we remind those we care about that they matter to us and that we truly cherish them? Surely, it doesn’t require doing something every moment of their lives to make sure it stays fresh in their minds. And it shouldn’t. However, throughout this season of the pandemic, it has become abundantly clear that the time we have left with them is limited. So, it becomes our duty and responsibility to ensure we use the time we do have to show those we love how much they mean to us. And the crazy thing is that as much as we remind ourselves of this fact and see people losing loved ones a bit more often than we’d like, we still don’t take it seriously. Hence, the motivation behind this post – to list reasons why we should make time for those we care about while they are still here with us.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

May Release: Make Time for Those You Love

Since the beginning of Covid, we unfortunately have had an influx in the number of loved ones we have lost - studies show that the mortality rate has increased almost 19% since 2020! It has become abundantly clear now more than ever that our lives and our time here is not promised. Therefore, it's on us to make the most of the time we do have now to share and spend it with those we love because we just never know when it could be our time. I know even despite the circumstances, people don't usually internalize this until it happens to them. So, this month's post will be about why it is important to show love to those we care about while we still have the chance. Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Dating Nowadays: Do You Want to Secure Future Bae? (Part 2)

And the finale has finally arrived! Let’s close out the series, shall we?

Stop Carrying Old Baggage
How can you expect to build something solid with someone on a shaky foundation? You’re mixing your old baggage and unresolved past hurt into this bond you’re developing, and it’s going to end in the connection falling apart. This new individual you are looking to potentially create a future with is not the cause of your past heartbreak, nor should they be held accountable for it. That means that if you want things to go smoothly and you want what you two build to last, you need to get yourself right. That means you need to check yourself first and ensure you have a clean slate before opening yourself up to someone else.