We were all kids once. We know just how crazy a roller coaster ride it was, but all of the things that happened during our childhood are what shaped who we have become. That crucial stage in our lives determined our future, and it was a fragile time where the smallest things could have lasting impacts. That is why its important to make positive impacts on kids while they're still young, so it continues to grow inside of them and helps them become great people.
Why do we always say the children are our future, but yet we don't make things like education more accessible to them? Why aren't there more programs to assist kids in and out of school? What is being done to help kids in less fortunate neighborhoods have hope? What kind of example are celebrities and performing artists setting for kids? Of course, every child can come out different and come from different backgrounds, but the same applies - it will affect their future. The things I am about to discuss are not only meant to be suggestions to parents and guardians, but also to those who come in contact with kids because everyone can make a difference in their lives. So what can we do for this upcoming generation?
The first thing you can do is surround them with good people that will influence them in a positive way. Kids imitate the things around them, even when we least expect it. They learn habits, actions, emotions, etc from the people they are around the most. They need people to encourage them to be kind, show compassion, believe in themselves, make the right choices, and other things that will help them be good people. Many times kids will imitate the wrong people or follow bad examples because they seem like better options, but you need to counteract that with good direction and guidance. They will in time learn to discern right from wrong, and having positive people around them will help them do so because when their parents aren't there to show them the way, these other individuals will be there to ensure they are emulating good mannerisms and actions.
Second, I would recommend them having someone they trust outside of their family that can serve as a kind of mentor. We all benefit from the people that help steer us in the right direction because we can't do everything on our own. Sometimes our families aren't the easiest people to deal with, and we don't always see eye to eye with them. When those times come for children, they need someone else they will listen to that will make sure they are not only making the right decisions, but are also there for support in times of need. That is why it's a good thing for people in general to have great mentors because they are like our family away from home. Not only are they good listeners, they give useful advice. When a parent can't get through to their children, these people can help break that barrier.
That leads to the third point, which is making sure they not only have friends, but really good friends. Friends aren't the ones that try to get them in trouble, and lead them to do things they know are wrong. Friends are the ones that help make a difference in their lives in a positive way. Sometimes, a friend is the only thing that brings us joy, or understands us the most. Studies show that majority of the suicides that happen among young people are those who felt lonely, or didn't have anyone else to turn to in their time of need. Adults won't be with their kids their whole lives, and that is when a friend becomes crucial, a person that will be there for them in the good times and the bad. Friends have significant impacts on our lives, and have just as much influence on us as our parents would. Having a friend at a young age will teach them to be discrete about the people they associate with, the type of people they should trust, and the difference between a good and bad friend (or person in general for that matter). A friend serves many purposes and we can't make it in life without them.
The fourth point I want to touch on is allowing children to grow. You can not hold a child's hand their entire life. The whole point of the phrase "you live and you learn" is that we learn from our experiences. We learn from our mistakes and we learn from our accomplishments. If a child is never allowed to make a mistake, how can they expect to learn for themselves what is right and wrong? How will they be able to deal with issues when they are older and don't have people directing them every step of the way? Not only does allowing a child to grow on their own prove to make them smarter people, it also builds character. They would be learning how to be independent. That is an essential characteristic they will need when they grow up. Growing up is apart of life and in order for us to thrive in this world, this is something we must do on our own when the time comes. A child may or may not want to be left on their own to make decisions for themselves, but in the long run, they will appreciate you did when they become outstanding individuals.
Most of all, a child needs love. Love conquers all. Without love, what would we have to live for in this world? Not sure why this kind of study was allowed, but a study was taken on children where one group received the love and compassion of their parents through their early years, while the other group did not. The difference was that the children who received love had much more positive and enriching lives, and emulated the same love to those they cared about. The other group did not live very happy lives, and a significant amount of them were depressed for the majority of it. Love is the key to happiness and we need it to live a life with meaning and purpose. It is the strongest force in the universe and it is what keeps people together. Show your love to the young people, and show that you care. If the kid isn't yours, still do the same. We never know their stories or the things they go through. Showing them love can make a huge difference in their lives, and it doesn't take much to show it.
Lastly, what I would suggest is introducing them to the Lord. I may not have had my belief in Him when I was very young, but the impact having it has had on my life since I became a Christian has been tremendous. He has helped me through so much in my life and I don't know where I would be without His blessings and direction. That's the most positive influence I could think a child can have. They learn discipline, how to live good lives making the right decisions, and build their integrity because they know someone is always watching over them. In addition, it gives them something to believe in when all else fails. We all need something to believe in. "One who stands for nothing, falls for everything" and this world has too much turmoil and chaos occurring for anyone to get lost in it. You would be surprised just how much better your life could be if you opened your heart to God and welcomed Him in.
One thing that I think should also be kept in mind is that just because a kid comes from a bad upbringing or neighborhood, doesn't mean they will be bad people. They could end up being the leaders of the world. Just because a kid comes from a great neighborhood and/or upbringing, doesn't mean they will be good people either. They could end up not being able to take care of themselves because they never had to fend for themselves growing up. My point is is that anything is possible with kids. One should be mindful of how they bring up kids and the environment they grow up in. I know it sounds like I am trying to preach to parents about how to
raise a kid when I don't even have any of my own, but I only mean these as suggestions. As I said before, this is not just
for parents, but adults, young and old, as well. I speak from my
experiences as a kid, reflecting as a young adult now about how
different things that could have affected me, how much different I would
be, the people that influenced my decisions and life, and my experiences
dealing with kids from different walks of life. I believe they that even if people don't agree with all the advice I am giving, that I am at least on the right track on how to influence kids in a positive way. Parents of course have the most influence on their own kids, and will raise the child as best they can to be great people, but we can all make a difference for the upcoming generation for the better
A child's mind is a delicate place, and one bad action towards them can change them forever. In a time where celebrities and artists aren't all setting the best examples for kids, whether its rappers who tell kids their only hope of making it is to sell a mixtape or become a professional athlete, female artists that tell girls they'll only get as far as their looks and appearance will take them, or celebrities showing the younger generation that money is an excuse to do whatever you want, they need all the help they can get. So next time you come in contact with a child, think about how you interact with them. Think, "How can I impact this kid's life in a positive way?" and go from there. Remember, you didn't get where you are on your own. People guided and assisted you along the way to get you where you are now. We should all remember that just as we reach the points in our lives where we are happy, that there are others still behind us waiting for those ahead to stretch their hand back to help. In this case, its the young people that we have to look out for so that there is a bright future to look forward to when our time has passed.
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