Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Where Friendship Really Counts

At one point or another, we will have a friend who is going through a difficult situation in life. It could be the loss of a loved one, missing out on a job opportunity or promotion, experiencing a breakup or divorce, relationship challenges or something else. It can be challenging because you aren’t sure the best approach to help them through these situations or how you can be supportive without being overbearing. I don’t think there is one solution (besides God) to how you can help a friend when they experience a difficulty in life but I do think the effort you put in and the actions you take can have a positive effect. It may not solve their problems, but it can do them some good as they work to overcome the situation they find themselves in.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

April Release: Supporting a Friend in Need

If we aren't experiencing it now, we have probably already had a situation where someone close to us has lost someone precious in their lives. It can be very challenging trying to figure out how to best support them and show that you're there for them without being overbearing. Everyone manages loss differently. They desire various levels and types of comfort and reassurance. To be honest, there really isn't an official handbook on how to keep it together when someone you care about passes away, but one thing that can help for sure is allowing your friends to be there for you. And as the friend, your presence and check-ins can have a positive impact, even when it may not be expressed directly or seen immediately. So, how can you be there for a friend when they're in need? I'll be dropping the "unofficial" guide soon!

~ Releasing Later This Month ~

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Thriving With Your Spec

You finally found your spec and you both decided to take the next step to establish an actual relationship. That is great news! Although it may feel a bit different at times now that you are fully committed to this person, love is a beautiful thing and I’m sure it will bring you lots of happiness and enjoyment. Getting here may not have been easy, but it will definitely be worthwhile. For that to happen, you have to make sure the relationship lasts. Don’t make the mistake of applying pressure to show someone you want a future with them, only to stop putting in as much effort once you are actually with them. Relationships take intentional effort to not only maintain them but help them grow. So, what does that look like?

Monday, February 26, 2024

February Release: Getting Out the Streets (Part 3)

The long-awaited finale is finally in the works. I apologize for the long delay due to the holiday season but we're back in action!

We are now going to discuss the steps you should be taking to maintain a relationship once you have secured it. You see it all throughout social media and in the news - people are giving up on their relationships for a number of different reasons, and it seems like love really doesn't exist anymore. I can assure you that it does, and many people enjoy it to this day. However, people fail to understand that to have a strong, healthy and long-lasting relationship takes intentional effort from both people. They both must have a desire to ensure the other person is happy and to do thar, they take steps to express their love to their partners as often as possible. People get into relationships these days with the mindset of trying to get as much as possible from the other person while giving the least amount of effort - not only will that not work, but it's also toxic. So, what do these steps look like to ensure your relationship not only lasts, but keeps both people happy? The finale of this series will reveal all.

~ Releasing Later This Month ~