Thursday, November 30, 2023

Courting Your Spec

So, you got someone you’re really interested in, and they have a lot of qualities that you believe will help a relationship to not only grow, but flourish. I presume this is someone you’ve been taking the time to talk to God about as well. If you have been taking the right steps to move intentionally in your dating journey, then I’m sure the next thing you’re thinking about is how to move towards an actual relationship. I want to note that there isn’t necessarily a timeframe between talking with someone initially and when a relationship should start; the key is how your time together is spent. At a certain point though, you will have to take the bold step to officially declare this person as your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November Release: Getting Out the Streets (Part 2)

So, we've talked about the vetting process for selecting the right person to even entertain and start getting to know. Now, we will move to the next step of actually dating them, learning more about them on a deeper level, and eventually, when it makes sense, moving into a serious relationship. This is a key step because this is where you truly understand if you both are equally yoked spiritually, if this is someone that will waste your time, if they will have your best interests at heart, and overall, if this is the person in which God wants you to invest time, effort, energy and finances. You have to take extra special care to not jump into something just based on feelings - they can change on a whim. A lot of the information may seem obvious, but knowledge is not power; applied knowledge is power. Are you willing to listen and take action?

~ Releasing Later This Month ~

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Finding Your Spec

You don’t just jump into a great relationship that can withstand all the things life has to throw at it; you have to start by building a firm foundation for it to stand on. That foundation is built by picking a quality person that won’t break you down but will build you up. People convince themselves they’ll never find someone, but the real problem is usually the type of people they allow into their lives. You can’t choose to date a bum—and I mean both men and women—and expect everything to work itself out. You have to be scrupulous in who you are choosing to date (and by scrupulous, I don’t mean looking for the perfect person—which is what a lot of people do). So, how do you start building that firm foundation? Get to know the person.