I know it's easier said than done, especially when you have been in a period of waiting, or have not seen your prayers answered yet, but just know that God hasn't gone anywhere. He is still at work in your life; you just can't see the full picture yet. And you're not supposed to – we as human beings have a terrible habit of taking the wheel from God in the car of our destiny when we THINK we know His plans. All God wants you to do is have faith in Him and trust that He knows what He is doing.
But if you want to take control of your life, God won't stop you. There are people who are in their current predicament because they keep trying to do things their way instead of God's way. He is a gentleman and will never make you do anything you don't want to; you have to decide to let Him be in the driver's seat and follow His lead. So, I want to impart some advice and understanding to help you navigate the journey that God has you on so that you don't lose sight of the goal and can continue to work towards the greater purpose He has for you.
Don’t Feed Into Social Media
First off, don't believe everything you see online. People don’t normally post their problems and the difficulties they are facing; social media is where people typically show the best aspects of their lives. People will argue that they don't log into social media to have their spirits brought down by the struggles of others, but this is a major reason why social media lacks authenticity. It creates this false view of everyone's life, and an unrealistic means to measure your own life against. Take a look at your social media – do you even post the most raw parts of your life, both good and bad?
All of this is to say that when you see other people succeeding, or living their best life, to remember that it is just that - their best life. You will only know what they post online. So don't feel compelled to do anything different in your own life as a result.
Everyone Has Their Own Battles
Life not finna be a breeze. Unfortunately, it's full of trials and tribulations. The Bible itself states, "... here on Earth, you will have many trials and sorrows ..." However, what you go through is not only meant to guide and grow you, but prepare you for bigger responsibilities that God has on the way. As simple as it would be for God to just take you to a point in your life where you are already living out your purpose, you would be missing out on the journey that would ensure you can handle what is expected of you when that time comes. In addition, you wouldn't have learned anything along the way, or learned to completely rely on God.
On the other hand, don't forget that comparison is the thief of all joy. Don’t focus on the journey of others because that isn't a journey God intended for you. Not everyone’s life is as it seems from the outside (i.e., social media); so, center your attention and energy on the path God has set for you.
Everything Happens in God’s Perfect Timing
One of the biggest reasons people are unhappy with where they are now is because they expected to have accomplished a great deal by a certain age, or point in their life. God doesn't operate on your timing and He usually doesn't answer prayers in the way you'd expect because He knows what's best for you. God's delay is not a denial, and waiting is a part of the journey. What would you truly learn in life if you got exactly what you wanted whenever you wanted?
God isn't a genie in a bottle; He is our Lord and Savior who loves us deeply and wants the best for us. And like children, we usually don't know what's best for us; that's why we leave it to our parent, our Father in Heaven. In addition, the wait also allows God to build you up and prepare you for more that is to come in the future because He doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called. This is His process to qualify you; so, let Him work.
God Has a Specific Calling For YOU
God made you with a purpose, and you are the one who is meant to accomplish it. A big brother and mentor of mine, Jevin Hodge, has a quote that has stuck with me since I first heard it (paraphrasing): "When you shake the hand of another person, you leave your print on that individual. Your fingerprint is something that is unique to you and, therefore, no one else can touch that person the same way you just did."
You are special and important to God, and He created you for a reason. And when you are tempted to look at others because you "feel" like you should be in certain positions, remember that God has a calling for you. It's sad to see people miss out on God’s best because they “feel” or think they “deserve” certain positions in their life – please, who told you that?
God's plans for you are far beyond anything you can comprehend, and all He asks for is obedience and faith in Him in your journey. Trust me, God is looking out for you when He is not putting you in certain positions and places. Just because you think you are best suited to be the pastor, or a celebrity, or CEO, doesn’t mean that you should (i.e., that is your opinion, not God’s plan for you) – and definitely doesn't mean you can handle the responsibilities, challenges, and temptations that come with it. The sooner you realize this, and the less you focus on others, the happier you will be with where you are in life.
Also, don't forget that you are living in answered prayers. What God has blessed you with now is what you prayed for yesterday. And His blessings aren't meant to just help you, but also others you will encounter along the way. God doesn’t do anything without intention. Wherever you are in life, you are exactly where God wants you to be. You will reach the destination He has for you in His good and perfect timing. All of this is part of God’s plans for you that are, "... good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11). I’m not saying it’s gonna be a cake walk, but the process won’t break you; it will build you.
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