I know its been a while since I last posted. If you lived my life in college you would know why. The workload, expectations, assignments, and responsibilities I've been given lately have taken majority of my time throughout the week. The one thing that has pushed me through all of these times besides the support of my family and friends, is the man upstairs. Through God all things are possible. In my weakest times, he's given me strength to pull through any circumstance and any situation. Now I know everyone in the world is not a believer, but these past few weeks have really given me reason to speak on this. If you're not a believer at least hear what I have to say. If you are a believer, let this be a reminder as to just how great a God we serve. I'll keep my post short and sweet today, and hopefully I get more time to post more things that relate to situations in your lives that you're going through, or bringing to your attention aspects of life you may not have thought about as much.
Being a computer science has numerous benefits once you graduate college. However, you go through many sacrifices on your way there, including free time, weekends, your GPA sometimes, and even your sanity. You push through it all because you know the end result will be worth it. But most times just the thought of pushing yourself isn't enough. I've never been as challenged as a I have this semester, and I'm only a sophomore. I have never been failing a class until this semester. I never had my GPA drop below a 3.5 until this semester began. All in all, I've been facing some struggles. Of course, when was there not a time I wasn't thinking of taking the easy way out - and dropping out of school (what were you thinking?). But I knew that making that decision would be a choice I regretted the rest of my life. I didn't want to go to my mother with my problems because she already had a lot going on, and I didn't need her worrying about me on top of that. So, I took it to prayer. I've never prayed so hard and so much in my entire life until these past few weeks. From asking God for strength to make it through the night, to asking him to lighten the heart of an ... educated professor, I've committed all things in to God's hands. And I've noticed his works taking place in my life. The classes I am failing have all shown chance I could possibly still pass and in the top percentage of my class. The assignments I have been getting relentlessly from each teacher, back to back, have been extended so that I could actually complete them. The personal problems I'd been dealing with seemed to finally give me a break so I could concentrate a little more on my work. I could go on longer about the things that have taken place, but you get my point. God. Works. Wonders. I wouldn't be taking the time to make this post if I didn't think it was worth speaking about. I just thought I'd share my piece about what God has done and continues to do in my life. He never leaves his children astray and always comes through for you in one way or another. I thank Him each day for his blessings, and I hope me sharing this post helps those who may not have that belief in him in the great things he does for us all. For those who do believe, stay strong in your faith, and trust he continues to watch over you, even when you think he isn't.
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