Monday, July 31, 2023

Embrace God’s Best For You

We live in a time where we just never seem to be satisfied with where we are in life. If we aren't constantly comparing ourselves to other people, we are convincing ourselves that we aren't where we are "supposed" to be – which has never made sense to me because how does one even arrive at this conclusion? Is it because you aren't as successful as you thought you would be by this point in your life? Is it because you aren't generating as much income as you would have hoped? Is it because your day-to-day life doesn't seem social media worthy? Whatever your reason may be, you need to understand that you are on your specific path for a reason. There is a purpose God has for you, and only you can fulfill it if you stay the course.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Verse of the Week


July Release: Embracing Your Journey

I don't know how we got here - scratch that, I do know how we got here. Here being a place where people have become so dissatisfied and unhappy with their lives. Here being a situation where people are constantly comparing themselves to other people. Here being a generation where people are unable to actually trust God's process and to patiently follow the path, in faith, that He has set before them. We got here because of factors such as social media and a constant push for instant gratification that tell us that we are entitled to what we want, when we want, even if it's something God never intended for us. We have forgotten that worthwhile things in life don't come that easy, and that the journey is just as important, if not more important, than the destination. So, this month, I want to focus on following the path that God has you on, and embracing the journey along the way that will shape you for the future. I want to help you understand that even though you may feel like you aren't where you're supposed to be, you are right where God wants you.

~ Releasing Tomorrow ~