Thursday, April 4, 2019

Being Planted Longer Than You'd Like

I am currently in a phase of my life where I feel like I have been placed in a particular situation and no matter how much I hope, pray, or wish, I can’t get out of it. Are you facing a similar scenario? Do you feel like you’re in a place where you want to move to something or somewhere different, but can’t seem to do so? It took some time to realize, and it may be hard to believe, but that’s actually a good thing. It means you’ve been planted in a place that is meant to help you grow in some way.
Trust me, I know it is extremely frustrating, annoying, and stressful to be in a place you don’t want to be. Even with the knowledge that there is a reasoning behind it, I still find it tough to deal with it. But in these kinds of scenarios, it’s important to keep the end goal in mind. If you don’t know what the end goal is, you need to start praying for clarity. If you think moving from or changing your circumstance will fix the problem, it won’t. It will just manifest itself in another form until you get it right. Our problems will always find their way back to us until we face it. Just ask R. Kelly…

So in this trying time of yours, how can you manage your situation and persevere?

You must commit everything to God in order for it to succeed (Proverbs 16:3) and for you to be shown which path to take (Proverbs 3:6). This is truly the time for you to be open and vulnerable with the Man upstairs because 1) He already knows what you’re going through, 2) He doesn’t want you to go through it alone, and 3) you need Him to get through your trial. One of the reasons you’re still in the place that you are is probably due to you trying to handle it yourself- and look where that’s gotten you. I eventually came to the realization that I would keep hitting a wall until I admitted defeat and let God show me the way. Does that mean that things will suddenly change? No. Does that mean things will be a breeze from there on out? No. Does that mean you will have your way with things? No. But does it mean He will show you how to beat your challenge and that you will make it out at the right time? Absolutely.

Confide in Others
Life wasn’t designed for us venture alone. There is a reason why others have gone through similar, if not identical, situations as others. There is a reason why we meet people in certain seasons of our life. And, there is a reason why we were made to be social creatures. I said in one of my previous posts that if you have a means of making a situation easier, why wouldn’t you take it? And I don’t know about you all, but I find comfort in being able to talk through or vent about a situation to someone else who is offering a listening ear. Holding all of that frustration within you only serves to harm you. And if you don’t have someone in your life that you see as a confidant, try asking God to bring someone into your life to play that role. Just watch what He will do for you.

Treat Yourself
We all need to have balance. Think of yourself as an apple tree. If you are providing the needs of other people (your fruit), but you aren’t getting the things you need to continue to grow and prosper (e.g., sunlight, water, etc.), then how can you expect to continue serving in your role, or be of any help to other people? Self-care is extremely important and it’s frightening how much people downplay it. Every paycheck, I take a portion of it and do something nice for myself. It could be a massage, my favorite meal, or even a trip, but I know it’s my reward for pushing through when things got tough. Don’t wait on others to reward your good works because it may never come. Once you start spoiling yourself, you will see a drastic change in how you handle your current situation and your overall mood. Do yourself a favor and give yourself the king/queen treatment you deserve.

Remember the End Goal
This situation could be preparing you for something greater in the future, helping you learn something about yourself, or assisting you in addressing an issue. Whatever the reason, it is meant for your good and overall, your growth. How can you expect to take on a bigger task when you haven’t even beaten your previous challenge? One prime example is how people think more money will solve their financial troubles when really, they need to assess the source of those problems, such as their spending habits, differentiating need from want, etc. A time like this where you are planted in a place you don’t want to be in is absolutely critical. Don’t see it as punishment because punishments come with a negative connotation. See it as a learning experience that will set you up for success, because I can guarantee you that it’s coming. Just have faith and trust God’s plan.

Practice Patience
You probably hate to hear it but I’m going to say it anyway- patience is truly a virtue. Waiting for something is probably one of the most difficult things for a person to do (that along with fighting your eyelids after 2 hours of sleep). But that is what makes patience a virtue- it is not easily attained. Another quote you may not like to hear is that, “good things come to those who wait.” Whether you are a gamer, an employee, a partner, or a parent, literally nothing worthwhile comes that easily. Growth comes into play here because patience is something we have to work at in order to see improvement and once you do, you can reap the benefits. In this difficult time of yours, try to think of all the great things that have come to you after you managed to be still and wait, and use that as motivation moving forward. 

What makes this kind of challenge so difficult is the amount of time we spend in it, and the longing we have to be done with it. However, uncomfortable situations are where we see the most growth in ourselves. The key here is that we can’t use our normal, conventional methods we implement for all of our other problems; we have to come at it with a different approach. That approach is through the power we receive from up above. Ultimately, the Lord wants us to understand we can’t do everything with our own strength and will, nor did He design our lives to work in that way. He wants us to rely on Him so He can pour into us, and overcome any obstacle that comes our way. He is the difference maker.

Now, as I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I am also going through this trying time and I understand how much of a challenge it is. Some of the things I listed were things I definitely needed to remind myself of as I continue on this path, and I hope it encouraged you to keep pressing on. Just think about all the things you used to struggle with that you don’t even think about now, or can overcome with ease! And I know when things become too much for me handle (because they do), I always remember that, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” ­(Philippians 4:13) It works every time.


  1. Remembering your end goal for me is so key while I’m going through it. I know I’m setting myself up for greatness but the journey isn’t always as “good feeling” and smooth as you want it to be. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!

    1. I'm glad it resonated with you! And keeping the end goal in mind is definitely crucial; we can never lose sight of what we are working towards.
