Thursday, November 29, 2018

It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done

One of the easiest decisions a person can make is to give up in face of adversity. But that’s the problem- it’s the easy way out. I know it’s difficult to face challenges that seem impossible to overcome, and choosing to stop trying to beat them would save you a lot of time and stress. But where would you be in life if you always threw in the towel and didn’t push yourself to overcome adversity? You’d be stuck in the past because you only got to where you are now by persevering against tough odds. We are meant to grow as human beings and this is just one of the unfortunate steps along the way because adversity is impossible to avoid. So are you going to secure the bag, or fumble it?

Obviously overcoming adversity is easier said than done. I am sure many of you are in the midst of it just like me, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It just means it’s time for you elevate your game and get to the next level of your life. But you can’t march into these battles without being properly equipped with the right strategies to win. That’s where I come in. Take a gander at my suggestions below on how to combat and conquer adversity

Commit it to Prayer
If you’ve read my previous posts, you know that this, above all else, is your best bet. We were not meant to go through this life alone, or to bear these burdens on our own. God wants you to succeed but when you take the steering wheel from Him and tell Him you don’t need His help, you end up in a bad place. Anything not committed to Him will not succeed- period. So give your challenges to Him, and ask Him for guidance to overcome your situation. He will come through for you.

Maintain a Work Hard, Play Hard Balance
Find a stress relief. How can you expect to handle a problem when all you’re doing is dealing with it? So many of us stress ourselves out facing challenges because we work so hard to address them that we often forget to take the time to recharge. It could be exercising, hanging out with friends, or reading a book, but you need something to keep you level-headed. Why? Your problem has no set end date, and/or no indication of the amount of trouble it will give you on any given day; so take precautions.

Think About the Deeper Meaning behind Your Challenge(s)
The adversity you are facing is specifically meant for you; no one else can deal with it. There is a plan for all of us, and in order for us to be able to succeed in it, we have to be prepared for it. My belief is that as we are facing adversity, we are supposed to be learning lessons and more about ourselves. So think about why you may be facing this challenge, what you could, or should, be taking from it, and if you are actually mentally, physically, and/or spiritually ready to overcome it.

Keep a Strong Faith and Positive Mindset
If you don’t have faith–the belief in the things you cannot see–that God has light at the end of the tunnel, your motivation for confronting adversity will diminish because it is the foundation needed to maintain the belief that you will overcome your challenge. In addition, you must maintain a positive mindset. Think of faith and a positive mindset as the good soil and water needed to help a plant grow. Both are needed to see that plant to fruition, and lacking either hinders progress.
Don’t Go It Alone; Ask for Help
This is a simple, but tremendously beneficial method to prevail over adversity. Yet, it is one of the most underused techniques out of all the ones I am listing. Why? Some major hindrances include pride because we think we can do everything on our own; fear of what others will think of us; feeling uncomfortable because we’re used to being the helper; and/or, for some of us, our African background that tells us we should be perfect in everything. *childhood memories triggered*

I can’t think of a smarter way of overcoming an obstacle than talking to someone who already beat it. It’s like a cheat code for success. So if you have a way to make your life a little easier, why not take it? All you have to do is ask. Remember, God also works through people, and chances are, that person may have gone through the same, or a similar, situation, to help people just like you.

Surround Yourself with People Who Will Push and Encourage You
If you don’t have people around you that are pushing and encouraging you, I don’t know how you’re making it through life. We are social creatures that thrive on our interactions with others. If people feed us negativity, it can hurt us in countless ways, but if we surround ourselves with positivity, it has the reverse effect. This goes back to my previous post on how certain people may need to be cut out of your life because all they’re doing is holding you back. You need people around that will never let you give up, even when you’ve given up on yourself. Those, my friend, are the real MVPs.

Sometimes You May Lose the Battle before Winning the War
As backwards as it sounds, it’s okay to fail. Some challenges may take a couple of tries before you reach the goal. The question is, how many times are you willing to try again if you fail? Persevering through adversity is crucial to achieving success.

If you’re going to give up after failing one, or a few, times, then how can you expect to get to where you want to be in life? How can you run a successful business if you give up after failing to win a contract? How can you earn a high salary if you give up after failing to get that promotion? How can you get married to the right person if you give up after some failed relationships? The answer is you can’t. You have to see it through to the end.

I’ve found it helpful to remind myself of the reasons why I shouldn’t give up. These reasons include how it builds character, tolerance, resiliency and, most of all, faith; allows you to become an example and inspiration to others by showing them it’s possible to beat it; and prepares you for the battles ahead that will be much tougher. Then, of course, there’s the simple fact that giving up does not mean you won’t face the same challenge again (lol); so you may as well deal with it now, and not prolong it.

Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. Today, we can appreciate anything from the rights we enjoy to being able to indulge in a Chic-Fil-A Spicy Deluxe Sandwich when we’re craving it because of the people that put in the time, effort, blood, sweat, tears, etc. to overcome their adversities. I know its hard (pause), but at the end of it, you’ll come out a stronger person and in a better place after enduring the pressures of adversity. It’s true that pressure bursts pipes, but guess what? It also makes diamonds. *drops mic*

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