Life. That word in itself carries so much impact and significance, you wouldn't believe. Thus leading to the question: What is the meaning of life? I am going to end your long journey of searching for this answer right now. There is none. Life can not have a definition because it has no particular way it operates, never is the same for every person, and does not follow a natural order. It’s funny how life is, as complicated as it may be. Like how here I am typing this piece while you’re reading it at whatever given point in time. That’s more of a phenomenon actually, so let’s get back to the point - life. One thing I've noticed is how there are so many contradictions in life. For instance, people will tell you never judge a book by its cover, yet when they see someone dressed or acting a certain way, they are so quick to judge. Why do certain wealthy individuals believe they are better than less fortunate people, when some of them came from the same situations.
On that note, why do so many celebrities waste the opportunity they are given by getting into legal trouble, and wasting millions of dollars on useless things? These rappers talk about repping for their hoods and coming out the projects, but won’t give a dime back to those same less fortunate areas, yet can still afford $60,000 watches (we know who I’m talking about *cough* Ace Hood *uncough*). Why do people say one thing and do another? Why are most of these young males twice the man that their father is? Why do so many young males find the need to show those around them the color of their boxers, yet wonder why people judge them? Why is it girls are free to comment and go goo-goo on the guys they encounter, but once a guy does it, its wrong? Why do guys call girls sluts for sleeping with so many people, but when they do the same it’s a whole new situation? Why can we never see the potential teachers see in us? Why do we put others down for being different? Why do we listen to the judgmental words of those who have no control on our lives? The list goes on and on, but you get the point.
On that note, why do so many celebrities waste the opportunity they are given by getting into legal trouble, and wasting millions of dollars on useless things? These rappers talk about repping for their hoods and coming out the projects, but won’t give a dime back to those same less fortunate areas, yet can still afford $60,000 watches (we know who I’m talking about *cough* Ace Hood *uncough*). Why do people say one thing and do another? Why are most of these young males twice the man that their father is? Why do so many young males find the need to show those around them the color of their boxers, yet wonder why people judge them? Why is it girls are free to comment and go goo-goo on the guys they encounter, but once a guy does it, its wrong? Why do guys call girls sluts for sleeping with so many people, but when they do the same it’s a whole new situation? Why can we never see the potential teachers see in us? Why do we put others down for being different? Why do we listen to the judgmental words of those who have no control on our lives? The list goes on and on, but you get the point.
We live in a world full of contradictions, lies, and deceit, but as human beings, we choose to ignore it. Why? It’s just easier that way. We do not want to deal with a problem because we are too afraid of the consequences and what it could mean for us. Even though we have so many examples in history of people overcoming, we do not want to take the time and effort to make a difference. We are so afraid of what others may think, we try so hard to impress the wrong people, we think nothing we do will succeed, why?? Are we just going to blame everything on human nature? Why can’t there be the one voice to speak up? Why must we care so much of what others think? Why am I asking so many questions? Why don’t I spark this revolutionary move? I am merely the announcer so to speak, the one bringing your attention to the situation at hand. The question is, “What are you going to do about it?” With all the chaos and unrest in the world, what will it take for us to change? What will move the wealthy to help the less fortunate? What will it take before people stop judging others? When will we learn to be selfless? When will we put ourselves in other people’s shoes and stop to think before we call them “fat”, “ugly”, “skinny”, “lame”, and a “loser”? Why is the world like this? Why must we continue to set ourselves up for failure? Why can’t we do something about it?
The answer - we are just too scared of what change could bring ...
So, we’re stuck going through the same motions everyday until the end of time.
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