Sunday, January 31, 2021
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Monday, January 18, 2021
Dating Nowadays: It's Time to Up Your Game Kings (Part 5)
And after a very hefty waiting period, we have arrived at the part you all have been waiting for - the dating solutions discussion. We are starting with the men to answer the question, “How can you address the areas you’ve fallen short when it comes to dating women?” If you haven’t read the previous posts of this series, please go back and read them first for context. For those who have been following it diligently, let’s keep it going.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Thursday, January 14, 2021
January Release: Dating in This Generation (Part 5)
Whew - Happy New Year everyone!! Wishing you all nothing but success, wins, favor and blessings in 2021. 2020 may have been a very tough year for many but 2021 can be a year of renewal; so, let's move forward with that energy to make the most out of this year.
And with this newfound perspective comes the long-awaited, fifth part to my dating series! I apologize it has taken so long to get this out but part 5 of the "Dating Nowadays" series will be releasing soon and will discuss how men can step it up this year to ensure they get more positive results in their dating journey. Stay tuned!