“New year, new me,” but you’re still doing the same things
from 2018. “I’m starting the business this year,” but you’re still hanging
around your demotivated friends. “Oh, I am definitely going to start this diet,”
but you’re still hitting McDonalds for that 2 for $5 Fish Filet. “I’m over them
and won’t give them another chance,” but you’re still sending them “wyd” texts
when you get lonely. “I won’t cheat on you again,” but you’re still responding
to those late night “you up?” texts and still answering DMs on social media. “I’m
going to value myself and my body,” but you’re still posting thirst traps.”
“I’m going to change Lord,” but you’re still living the same life as
non-believers. “God, I’m going to follow your plan and go where you lead me,”
but you’re still trying to make your own dreams happen.
I’m sure many of you saw yourselves somewhere in those
situations. If not, wow – maybe you really did change and don’t need to read
this. But the predicaments we find ourselves in aren’t just limited to those
above. Like me, I’m sure reading one, or some, of those scenarios hit home
pretty hard like, “dang, how does he know my life?” These are real scenarios
that countless people face but don’t address. Maybe they feel stuck in their
ways, or think it’s impossible to change, or have become numb to it altogether.
Regardless of the reason, you are dealing with a serious issue that requires
real dedication to turn things around. You can only change if you want to; no
one else can make you do it.
If you’re choosing to act and start this journey, you’ve
made the right choice to a better future and a better you. If you felt any kind
of way reading the situations above, then you must know, deep down, there are some
things in your life that need to change. Putting it off only prolongs the
suffering that may not be as apparent now but will become clear in time. Tomorrow
isn’t promised; so you don’t know how much time you’re working with. Time waits
for no one and once it’s gone, it’s gone.
So here are my steps (in no particular order) to spark a
change, and making it a permanent one this time:
Be Intentional
Listen. If you are talking about losing weight, yet still
find yourself eating late night snacks, frequently eating out at fast food
spots, and/or are not being consistent with a workout plan, you should not be
surprised when the scale says, “Ahah hah” when you step on it. Being
intentional means you are taking real action and staying consistent after the
fact. You should constantly be trying to find ways to keep the momentum going
and shouldn’t allow small setbacks to derail you.
You know the goal you are trying to achieve, you understand
that it will take a great deal of effort to reach it, but you must be committed
to the cause to make it a reality. Without that fire under you, you will find
yourself slowly falling back into your old ways, giving excuses for not making
progress, and trying to justify why you should give up. Don’t repeat that cycle
for umpteenth time.
Make a List of the Internal
& External Detrimental Factors
We are a generation of working on outer appearance and as a
result, forget to address our inner appearance as well. Take a good look within
yourself at who you are as a person. If you truly understand yourself, you will
know the kinds of habits, actions, characteristics, etc. you have that are
working against you. Be thorough with your thought process because sometimes, the
factors that you give the least credit to have the biggest impact. You have to
be 100% honest with yourself in order to figure it out, and 100% willing to
step out of your own way to deal with it.
External factors are just as impactful as the internal ones
because these are things you interact with often. If you wave them off as less serious
or keep telling yourself that they don’t affect you as much, you are making
yourself more vulnerable. The things that affect us the most are the things we
don’t prepare for and/or see coming – trust me, the enemy is working 24/7. When
you are cognizant of the kind of influences that surround you, you are then
able to address and manage them in an effective manner. But again, you have to
take a good look at the people (refer to my blog post on your circles),
environments, and situations around you to really discern and understand what could
be a hindrance.
Solidify Steps That
Signify Progress
If you create benchmarks to show that you are actually
moving in the right direction, it will help you track real progress. Now, progress
may be difficult to define depending on your case; so it’s important to take
time to think this over so you don’t mistake a lucky break, or a one-time
thing, as being on the right track. For example, if you are trying to improve
your grade in a course, going to class more consistently may seem like progress,
but if you aren’t staying the whole time and/or aren’t engaging in the
discussions, it’s not. Finding someone who has made great strides dealing your problem
area, and having them review your steps to provide feedback, can be a huge help
as well.
Remember Your Why
Your why is the motivating factor behind you making a change
and becoming a better you. Not only will it play into your story that will
become a testimony one day, it will become someone else’s push to shape up when
their time comes (because God isn’t having you go through the fire to only help
yourself). So be open to sharing your life story, and don’t be afraid to show
the broken pieces of your life because the cracks are where the light shines
through (yeah, I was SNAPPING when I wrote that).
Select an
Accountability Partner
We both know if you could’ve done this on your own, you
wouldn’t need to read this post. Having a person be your accountability partner
ensures that you have someone else there to encourage you and prevent you from
regressing to your old ways. If you don’t know by now, I am Christian, and I
move with the mindset that God watches everything I do. But unfortunately, at
times, it isn’t enough to prevent taking steps back (being open and honest here
– I know I’m not the only one).
Once you pick someone, you can do check-ins, and just be
blunt about how your journey is going – the good, the bad, the really bad, etc.
They may even help point out additional things you can do to continue heading
in the right direction. But this must be someone you will fully disclose
everything to or it will defeat the whole purpose. If you can’t be fully
transparent with them, they can’t serve in this role for you- period (note the
omission of the t).
Think of the Future
Society pushes the lifestyle and mindset of living in the
now. Although this can be a good thing when it comes to taking in what life has
to offer, it can also make us very short-sighted when it comes to challenges
that take time. One reason many of us are unable to change and stay that way is
because we want to see immediate results that outweigh the “benefits” we had
beforehand. But just like it took time to get rooted in that problem, and for
you to finally start making the right changes, it will take time to fully
embrace this shift in your life and see the positive outcomes.
This isn’t something that can be rushed. But if you continue
to be a forward thinker with the mindset of who you can be in the future if you
make the right decisions now, that should give you enough motivation to keep
going. Think about it- if you had made this change a year ago, imagine what you
could be doing now and where you could be. The possibilities are endless.
I know- change is scary. It’s something out of our comfort
zone and that means being uncomfortable. It means we have to actually try. It
means we may end up in a different space that we aren’t used to inhabiting. But
who said change was supposed to come easy? Who said the process to attaining the
most worthwhile things in life was simple? I won’t sugarcoat it – change is
gonna take work! But it’s necessary, and the only way to make it happen is to
grind it out.
Change is obviously easier said than done, and I honestly can’t
tell you what the outcome will be, but I can guarantee it will put you in a
better place than you are now. Step out of your own way and stop letting these impediments
hinder you from seeing the big picture. Why? Because you can preorder the
future you want if you’re willing to reorder your thinking and actions right
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