Wednesday, September 19, 2018

September Release: Suicide/Depression Awareness

Because September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness month, and because the rates of depression and suicide continue to grow, I will dedicate this month's post to these topics. I will use this release to list ways those who may be entertaining thoughts of, or dealing with, either of these states of mind, can address them, and how those who may know others in this situation can provide help. Oftentimes, we aren't even aware when those around us, or those we care about, are in need of assistance, or feel alone, and that is scary to think about. One day you're laughing with them, and the next day, God forbid, you see a letter of goodbye on their social media (hypothetical scenario). There are things we can all do to help mitigate this problem and proactively stop additional cases from arising in the future. Let's start taking this more seriously and do something about it.

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