Wednesday, October 30, 2019

If Your Temple Cracks, Everything Else Will Crumble

“I don’t have time to do it.” “I’ll get to it later.” “My career (or education) comes first.” “I’m too busy.” ‘I’ll be (or I am) fine.” These are some of the excuses people give for not taking care of themselves, and/or not prioritizing their own health over other areas in their lives. I get it – there’s sooooo much we need to get done in any given day, and we feel like doing anything outside of those tasks will put us behind schedule, derail our progress, or set us too far behind. The main reason being is that we don’t see, or understand, the importance of making ourselves not just a priority, but THE priority.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

October Release: The Importance of Self-Care

For the next 2 months, I want to focus on what it means to prioritize yourself and why it is so important. For this month, we will focus on self-care, and then in November, we will discuss self-love.

In an age where things are constantly moving at a fast-pace, it is very easy to find ourselves caught up in the now and forget how crucial it is to take care of yourself. The only way you can keep up with your demanding lifestyle is to make sure your mind and body have the capacity to do so. Many of us think we have this covered, and then wonder why we end up stressed, burnt out, and unable to find the energy to power through the week. Don't underestimate what putting yourself last on your list of priorities can do to you because the results can be serious and long-lasting. So allow me to help you make sure that doesn't happen.

Verse of the Week