Thursday, January 31, 2019

Setbacks are Not Always a Step Back

No one likes to take an L (loss). Just ask LeBron James, or Rob Kardashian, or Michael Cohen. So it makes sense that when things take a turn for the worst, or don’t work out the way you want, it gets you down. However, very rarely do we actually think that there could be a reason for the “bad” things that happen to us. We become so focused on things not going well that we don’t even think about why it’s happening. Well, I’m here to tell you that whether you believe it or not, not every setback is necessarily a step back. And when you are able to apply this to your life, big things will be revealed to you.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January Release: The Setback is Really a Setup

Do you find yourselves going through tough stages of life? Do things seem to be going well for you and then suddenly not? Do you feel as if when you start to plan things out, it never goes according to plan? Are you just tired of taking Ls?

Well, you're not alone. However, you should know that just because things, from your perspective, may not seem to be going so well, as planned, or in the right direction, doesn't mean it's always a bad thing. Many times, it's for positive reasons you just can't see right now. And no, I don't just mean, "setbacks being a setup for a comeback." I also mean setbacks placing you in positions to come into the fullness of what's in store for you, and/or helping you realize the events that need to happen to get where you want and need to be.

So don't get so down when things don't seem to be going your way. I always say everything happens for a reason. And take heart; this month's release will talk about just that. So stay tuned!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Verse of the Week

"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."
- John 15:13