Thursday, December 27, 2018

You Can’t Walk into 2019 with 2018 Baggage

I opted to make this piece short and sweet because getting into the nitty gritty of each of the points I make below would result in an extremely long post I’m sure most people would not read in its entirety (I know I probably wouldn’t). Not only that, but it helps get straight to the point about aspects of our lives that need attention and improvement in 2019 and beyond. These are areas that have become too commonplace and serve as deterrents of progress. Now, this isn’t an exhaustive list of every single area of our lives that we need to address, but even the ones that may not be directly related to you can help incite an understanding of what you need to do in order be a better person in the new year.

I hope there are points in these lists that speak to you and can serve as a reminder that there are issues in your life that you have been ignoring, or putting off, for far too long. Take action today and make sure you are walking into 2019 ready to exceed expectations, leave your haters in the dust, and reach levels of success, joy, and content that you have only imagined.

2019 Should Not Be a Year of:
  1. Jumping into serious relationships on whims and/or spur of the moment emotions
  2. Letting your past prevent you from attaining major accomplishments in the future
  3. Believing that your current situations and environments will hinder your success
  4. Furnishing others with the power to dictate what you can and can’t achieve
  5. Making excuses to start things later on when you can do them right now
  6. Confirming your self-worth and value through the validation of others
  7. Generating, receiving and/or perpetuating negative energy
  8. Throwing in the towel when a challenge seems too difficult
  9. Holding onto relationships that do more harm than good
  10. Putting other people down to make yourself feel better
  11. Continuing to put other things before God
  12. Needing the approval of those around you
  13. Getting comfortable where you are in life
  14. Being let down by the same people
  15. Keeping toxic people in your circles
  16. Maintaining one-sided friendships
  17. Settling or shortchanging yourself
  18. Living self-destructive lifestyles
  19. Regression
2019 Should Be a Year of:
  1. Surrounding yourself with people who will build you up and not tear you down
  2. Embracing good change and not through the mentality of “New Year, New Me"
  3. Prioritizing your happiness over trying to satisfy everyone else’s needs
  4. Rediscovering the things that brings you joy and genuine happiness
  5. Creating, distributing and preserving positive energy and vibes
  6. Challenging yourself to the point that you’re uncomfortable
  7. Growing in the areas of your life you previously lacked
  8. Spreading love to those who may not even deserve it
  9. Spending more time with God and reading His word
  10. Fostering lasting, mutually beneficial relationships
  11. Following your own mindset, and not the crowd’s
  12. Experiencing an overflow of blessings from God
  13. Starting and finishing the work you put on hold
  14. Overcoming the obstacles you used to fail
  15. Allowing God to work through you
  16. Achieving your goals and dreams
  17. Seeking God above all things
  18. Giving credit where it’s due
  19. Completion

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