Life. That word in itself carries so much impact and significance, you wouldn't believe. Thus leading to the question: What is the meaning of life? I am going to end your long journey of searching for this answer right now. There is none. Life can not have a definition because it has no particular way it operates, never is the same for every person, and does not follow a natural order. It’s funny how life is, as complicated as it may be. Like how here I am typing this piece while you’re reading it at whatever given point in time. That’s more of a phenomenon actually, so let’s get back to the point - life. One thing I've noticed is how there are so many contradictions in life. For instance, people will tell you never judge a book by its cover, yet when they see someone dressed or acting a certain way, they are so quick to judge. Why do certain wealthy individuals believe they are better than less fortunate people, when some of them came from the same situations.