Friday, June 30, 2023

Don’t Give Up On Your Goals Just Yet!

And just like that, it’s the end of June. I’m not sure how, but this year seems to be flying by right before our very eyes. If you’re like me, you set goals for yourself about what you wanted to complete before the year ended. But if you’re also like me, you haven’t necessarily seen the results you expected. It can be demoralizing when you aren’t achieving your goals in the timeframe you desire, especially when you feel like you’ve given it your all. You may even be tempted to scrap your goals and plans altogether. But fear not - I’m here to help you understand that it’s not too late to reach those goals, and what steps you can take to make them a reality.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June Release: Maximizing the Next Half of the Year

Well, we are now in the last week of June. And if you're thinking what I'm thinking, you're asking the same question - HOW IS JULY ALREADY AROUND THE CORNER?? Time has really been flying by and I'm sure you had plenty of things you wanted to accomplish by now. But if you're like, your goals have yet to be realized. But fret not; the year isn't over, and we still have 6 whole months to go! So, how can you maximize the next half of the year to make sure you can reach your goals, and align with the steps necessary to achieve them? Tune into my next post where I'll be discussing just that and provide guidance on how you can create a plan to be successful in accomplishing what you had in mind in the beginning of 2023.

~ To Be Released Later This Week ~