Thursday, December 27, 2018

You Can’t Walk into 2019 with 2018 Baggage

I opted to make this piece short and sweet because getting into the nitty gritty of each of the points I make below would result in an extremely long post I’m sure most people would not read in its entirety (I know I probably wouldn’t). Not only that, but it helps get straight to the point about aspects of our lives that need attention and improvement in 2019 and beyond. These are areas that have become too commonplace and serve as deterrents of progress. Now, this isn’t an exhaustive list of every single area of our lives that we need to address, but even the ones that may not be directly related to you can help incite an understanding of what you need to do in order be a better person in the new year.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

As we open gifts, wish each other good tidings, spend time with family and take part in the numerous happenings that occur on this glorious day, let us not forget what we are celebrating- the day our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, came into this world to begin His good work. We give God all the praise, honor and adoration for His Son that He sent to deliver us from sin.

May this holiday season bring you nothing but joy and happiness!

Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 21, 2018

December Release: What Will the New Year Mean?

Contrary to my previous monthly posts, December's post will be a list of items related to this new, upcoming year and will be centered on what 2019 should and should not be a year of for everyone. 2018 really has been a year to remember for countless reasons, and we should all have numerous takeaways from it. But I want to make sure we are taking the right things into 2019, and not allowing the wrong things to be brought along with us. The last thing you need in the new year is the same set of problems from the previous one. So let's set the record straight and make sure 2019 is a year of completion, prosperity and fulfillment!