Monday, April 30, 2018

Verse of the Week (late, I know)

Also, I really do apologize for not releasing this back in April (I was dealing with some personal matters) but part one of my blog post regarding my fast will be released this week! Be on the lookout

Monday, April 16, 2018

May Releases: The Aftermath of My Fast of Solitude

For those who don't know, for about 5 months (starting in November), I was on a fast from people (some would call it a hiatus). The purposes behind this time of solitude were to reevaluate where I was in my life, take a break from the demands of life, and focus on myself to pinpoint the areas of my life in which I needed to grow after graduating college. I realized that even though I'd accomplished a lot, there was still a lot that didn't make sense, and I was still questioning what my future would hold. By going on this fast, I got a lot of answers, was able to re-energize my mind, body, and spirit, and I came out with a new, refreshed mindset.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Verse of the Week & New Release in the Works

First, before I give the verse for this week, I wanted to make a note that there is a new post being cooked up that is set to release this month. I know it has been some time since I last uploaded a blog post but please bear with me as it's for good reason. More details are coming later this week.

And now, your verse of the week: