Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May Release: Dating in This Generation

The number of problems I have heard from people on why dating nowadays is beyond difficult is immense. However, it seems that, to some degree, there is some commonality with these challenges for both men and women. But what are the major ones that hinder us from developing genuine, long-lasting relationships? What is it that we are doing wrong? Is the problem on our side, or the other person's? Well, a great deal of it is related to what this generation considers "the norm" in certain scenarios, how crucial situations are handled, and much more. Honestly, if we - wait, wait, wait. I won't start preaching juuuust yet. Stay tuned for the May Release coming soon!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and soon-to-be mothers out there!! This is a time for us to show our gratitude and thanks for the countless things you all do for us on a daily basis. You are truly God's gift to mankind. We hope this was a special day for you, and that you celebrated with and were celebrated by loved ones.