Sunday, December 28, 2014

What College Means For Your Future

We live in a society where it is hammered into our heads that education is important. We hear things like "an education leads to a job in the future," and "with an education, so many doors are opened for you". An education is said to be crucial if one wants to succeed in life. But does college really guarantee everything will be set for you post graduation? Is it worth paying so much for college with prices always on the rise? Let's take a look at the different aspects of a college education and then we can decide whether college is worth its cost.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Coming Soon: College Talk

I hope this post finds everyone doing well. I just wanted to make a post to let all my readers know I am still actively working to create more posts for my blog. My next post will be centered on college and I believe it will be beneficial for everyone to read. It is taking some time to complete but with it being the holidays I have more free time to concentrate on finishing it. Just continue to be patient with me and await my next release!

Thanks to everyone who continues to follow my blog and listen to what I have to share